Monday, October 26, 2009

Poetry: Raincheck

The halls echo my footfalls,
shattering the silence around me.
I feel the cool air rush in from the door opening,
but I look up and you're not there.

I check my phone,
but no missed calls.
I look outside for you,
but find only blowing leaves.

Dejected for a moment,
I open the doors and step outside.
The brisk October wind flows around me,
bringing a smile to my lips.

I look up at the barren trees,
watching them wave to me as I walk.
I smile back at them as you call,
my smile widening into pure happiness.

You apologize for missing me again;
again I say it's no problem.
We make plans for the next day,
but I know that they are tenuous at best.

I still smile as the rain begins to fall,
enjoying the cat and mouse aspect of our lives.
You don't know what to make of me,
yet you catch yourself smiling as well.

I gather this raincheck,
stashing it with all the others.
I will collect on them someday,
and make up tenfold for lost time.

1 comment:

Terra said...

I really like this one :) And it sounds strangely familiar ;)