I have received a lot of feedback suggesting I expand a few of my Moments in Time to full fledged short stories. I appreciate the suggestion and the support, also the fact that enough people like reading my stories enough to want me to expand on them, I am a little reluctant to do so. This is a two-fold issue with losing the moniker of being part of my Moment in Time series and no longer having them open to "what happens next?! I bet..." questioning. Not that I wouldn't like to expand on a few of my writings, but certain ones I feel are complete as is. I will most likely expand on a few in time, but I want to flesh out the scenario before I start tackling expansions.
In other news, I had trouble writing today's Moment in Time. Not because of any images that it may or may not have portrayed, but because my mood has been decidedly less on the dark side of late. I can blame the lovely Miss T__, but she is not the cause of it. Well, she is to a point, but the blame rests squarely on me. When I am happy with a situation, especially romantically, it shows in my writing and make no doubts about it, Miss T__ makes me happier than I feel I ought to be. It took more planning for this one and a kick in the pants from her (I was literally bullied into not using her as my muse!) to get this one off the ground. I am proud of how it turned out and it is definitely on the block to be expanded, but not before its time... though with Miss T__ as a bully pushing me, it might happen sooner! Don't get me wrong when I talk about her bullying me, she knows that I mean it in jest. She is always pushing me to do more, which I thank her for.
It's been nearing a month since I last seen her due to scheduling conflicts, but I love her all the same. It's always difficult to be separated from the ones we care about for a long period of time, but when there is nothing you can do, you grin and bear it. Thankfully the internet alleviates some of the lonesomeness and lets me at least talk to her. I know, who wants a complete commentary of me saying how happy I am to be with Miss T__, right? Okay, okay.
I have a few projects in the wings, least of all is expanding on a few Moments. I have been thinking about expanding a few of my older works, but would love suggestions on ones that you feel I should expand on. I also do request work, provided that you provide a basic premise you would like followed. I will not, though, do homework for you. If you have to write some short creative writing for a class, pick up a pen and write it yourself. There is a joy that comes from writing something yourself that I refuse to deprive you of. As always, my awesome readers, have a great day and may your pen never run out of ink!
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