Picking up a pen has never been more rewarding, he smiled to himself. As he bent down, his eyes lifted to gaze at the center of his universe; the object of his affection. She is everything he has ever wanted. As he lingered on one knee, his eyes traveled up her perfect form.
She has the looks of a classic movie star, just like the ones he sees when he watches AMC. The sound of her voice brings tears to his eyes, almost as if he hears an angel sing its adoration. To round out her perfection, her mind contains a wit and intelligence that rivals the worlds scholars.
His eyes cloud momentarily as she kisses her boyfriend. Maybe not so perfect, he sadly admits. Slowly rising to his feet, he sits and reclines at his desk. Why is it never his turn,he demands of the uncaring silence in his mind. Why cant he find someone like her? Turning his mind from those morose thoughts, he continues his briefly interrupted work.
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