Saturday, August 15, 2009

Poetry: Through Space and Time

You once said we would be forever,
our love spanning space and time.
The day you said he didn't love me,
my journey finally began.

Her eyes look at me in a way yours never did,
drowning me in pools of liquid sapphire.
Her laugh cascades like a waterfall,
free-flowing and natural.

Everything with you was forced,
laughs between brittle smiles and rolling eyes.
If our love spanned space and time,
her love for me defies eternity.

Who were we when time began,
maybe nothing more than two nebulous bodies near each other.
Turning and spinning in the velvet darkness,
combining suddenly to create life where none existed.

Perhaps as time moved on we met again and again,
fate throwing her and I together.
Fate is a cruel bitch though,
her and I could never be because of you and I.

Now we finally have our chance,
and I'm not going to let it pass.
You can find me some place in the future,
but I will only smile and wrap my arms around her.

You gave up on something you will someday regret,
something I hope you find again.
I lost something I never thought I would replace,
something that I found in her beautiful eyes.

I wish you the best as you move through space and time,
finding the man who can give you what you need.
I would like to say you wish me the same,
but I know you better than that and those words will never pass your lips.

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