Saturday, August 15, 2009

Poetry: Neon Glow

Watch yourself move,
highlighted in a neon glow.
Music rules the night,
rushing through your veins.

Your body moves with liquid fusion,
the neon glow glistening off your sweat.
The movement comes unbidden,
like a sezuire of pure pleasure.

You look radioactive,
bathed in a neon glow.
Geeks and Freaks liken you to a superheroine;
Punks and Thugs liken you to a challenge.

You are something that needs to be conquered,
a neon glowing prize to be won.
They all lay lines and try to show they have game,
but you keep dancing to the music in your blood.

You laugh at thier attempts to take you home,
refusing to leave the nights neaon glow.
You steal a kiss outside from random boys and girls,
but you never leave the music that is consuming.

Daylight starts to stain the night sky,
and the neon glow begins to dim.
The music begins to fade,
but you never stop dancing.

You ride home with random bodyskin,
giving a kiss and a promise for more.
A morning he will never forget,
making love to you under a neon glow.

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