Saturday, March 7, 2009

Poetry: The Tale of Destructo

Her hair has been abused,
one day it's black and the other it's blue.
Her smile twists with sarcasm,
hiding intelligent comments in witty banter.

Her name is Miss Destructo,
she commands legions of ardent admirers.
A queen upon a throne of laughing skulls,
she taps her foot while the peasants dance.

Ultra-tall and classically swank,
she has a mind like a razor and clothing to match.
Music replaced her blood years ago,
she is a living discography of awesomeness.

Her name is Miss Destructo,
and she lives up to her name.
Like a black rose covered in thorns,
look at her beauty though don't touch.

This is a personal piece to one of my closest friends. Straight off the top of my head, no polishing nor editing. Everything written was written without prior thought. Everyone should check out Miss Destructo's blog, for it is one of the best on the web.


Miss Destructo said...

Wow... you know me better than I know myself.


*looking for cameras*

I'll be posting this on my bloooog. :)

Sonic Boom said...

You were fantastic inspiration =)