Saturday, December 19, 2009

Writing: Moment in Time - Longing

It's difficult to love from afar. When your heart wants to be with the one you love, but the one you love is with another. He sips his jack and coke, watching the sun fall in a molten pool between the mountains. So far away from her, no contact in days - his heart ached within his chest. He missed her so much, more than he knows he should. He really hasn't known her very long and they met by pure chance alone. She was difficult, indecisive, confused, and involved with another man, but he loved her. . . god help him, he loved her, he had no doubt in his mind about that. All her complications were outweighed by what she meant to him; by how she made him feel by doing even the smallest thing. He took another sip, his mood darkening like the sky above him. . .


Miss Destructo said...

I love this Brian. I can't wait till you put out a book.

Sonic Boom said...

Someday.. someday.. :)