Thursday, November 12, 2009

Writing: Moment in Time - Driving

45 mph. He hits his turn signal and merges onto the thruway traffic. He burns inside with a mix of pain and liquor. His eyes shimmer in the lights of the cars around him as he loses himself for a second in their streaking beauty.

55 mph. He see's the lights fly by him, making him wish he could create such beauty. He slowly presses on the gas petal, igniting a roar from an excited engine.

65 mph. He feels himself slipping further and further into his seat. His eyes slowly close as his mind loses itself in his pain. He drank to forget, but laughing to himself, he is forced to admit it didn't work.

75 mph. The road is a distant memory as he feels his body have no weight. He does not open his eyes because he knows that this dream will end. He feels a warmth that starts at his head and covers his entire body.

0 mph.

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