Monday, November 16, 2009

Writing: Moment in Time - rorriM, rorriM

Her heart, once again together, shines in the sunlight. She watches as he stands up, dripping azure gems to the ground. She starts to speak, but stops. She looks into his eyes and see's the confusion within him. She watches as he wrestles with what he feels. She closes her mouth and just stares deep into his eyes, letting her warmth fill him.

She watches his clothes dry as her warmth fills his body. She watches him smile as he finally makes his choice. She smiles back and opens her lips to speak, only to have him lay a gentle finger over her mouth. She feels his other hand open hers and place something in it. She looks down and stares in wonder at his heart. Pulsing with a life of its own, she closes her palm around it. With tears in her eyes she looks up into his. She is lost in his kiss.

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